
“LVN LIMITED” LLC received a grant from (GIZ) GmbH for construction and installation works to reconstruct external engineering networks

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LLC “LVN LIMITED” received a grant from The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH for construction and installation works on the reconstruction of external engineering networks by the project “Reconstruction of the pressure pipeline of LLC “LVN LIMITED” from the alcohol production workshop at the address: str. Gorkogo, 28, Nemyriv, Vinnytsia region. to bardo field septic tanks” under tender NBC2024F.

The tender invitation was posted on the E-Tender platform to attract all possible candidates, including foreign ones.

LLC “LVN LIMITED” informs that according to the conducted tender and the corresponding decision of the tender committee dated August 20, 2024. LLC “PP INSTALL-PLAZA” was recognized as the winner of the proposal request for construction and installation works under tender NBC2024D.

Prospects of the grant of LLC “LVN LIMITED” from (GIZ) GmbH

The victory in the Nemiroff tender, a highly competitive process, is a testament to our strength and competitiveness. This win will enable us to modernize our external engineering networks, ensuring the highest production quality. The stringent European requirements for product quality further validate our position in the market.

It has already been decided who will be engaged in the construction and installation work on the reconstruction of external engineering networks—it is “PP INSTALL-PLAZA” LLC.

LLC’ LVN LIMITED’ is committed to excellence and continues to participate in various tenders, both state and international. This is to ensure that our production and product quality always meet the latest modern standards. We encourage you to stay updated on our victories through our news updates.